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The Prospering Power of Releasing Judgement

Writer's picture: kristidearkristidear


Welcome back to the Mindset Chick Podcast, I'm your host Kristi Dear. Today, I want to talk about releasing judgement & resentment how to see the light in others. Dr. Wayne Dyer truly embodied this belief system, and I think that's the reason for how joyful and happy he was. That happiness is available to all of us when we bring this message into our daily practice. So the next time you walk into your office ready to judge your co-workers or the next time you turn on the news, ready to judge our current affairs, say this prayer, the light and in you is all I see.

Ready to hear more? Let's go...


• Of course, you can always see how other people are doing things and how they should be doing things and go through judgment and feel like the world's not going in the right place, and everybody should do this or they should do that, and have your own judgement, but it's a tough place to be and it doesn't make you feel very good and it robs you of joy. (2:13)

• I don't know why that person is doing what they're doing, we're all separate, we don't have the same goals, we don't have the same dreams, and they do that. We go down that path, how is this gonna work out? How am I going to make money during this time? All these things, it can put us on that frequency, and it's going to... Like we talked about in the beginning of the Mindset Chick Podcast, it's like a boomerang, whatever we put out, whatever we focus on, whatever we think about is going to come back to us, and so we're going to get sucked into that vibration, that energy. (3:31)

• I'm going to read you a little story, but before I do that, we gotta start with our August mantra. Okay, so here we go, if you're in a space where you can close your eyes and close your eyes, just say it after me... I am a powerful manifester, I can manifest whatever I desire, I choose to love and value myself. I choose to let go of any judgments towards myself or others, I choose to live in faith, not fear, I choose to believe that the universe is abundance and abundance is my birthright. I choose to expect the best out of this day and all the days moving forward. And so it is. (4:45)

• I think that's the reason for how joyful and happy he was, that happiness is available to all of us when we bring this message into our daily practice. So the next time you walk into your office ready to judge your co-workers or the next time you turn on the news, ready to judge our current affairs, say this prayer, the light and you is all I see. You can recite this prayer whenever you've made a judgment of anyone, bring it to the relationships that holds the greatest separation for you, the people whom you've made special and better than you, and people whom you perceived as less than or even hateful. Unless we work at it, we will judge every one in our lives from strangers we have brief encounters with, to our closest loved ones, children, parents and spouses. Whenever you notice yourself judging someone, say silently to yourself, the light in you is all I see. (9:04)

• And there is only a stream of well-being that flows, so you can allow it or resist it, that's it. So you can either allow it in by focusing on the light and others that you see by focusing on the abundance, by tapping into the love frequency, by focusing on the good in the world by seeing the light and others. Or, you can resist it by being judgmental, being critical, being angry, feeling like there's not enough feeling, limited, feeling jealous, all those things, you can resist the stream of well-being. I just wanted to share that with you, that's just something really on my heart and really what I think would be so awesome if we all practice this. (13:21)


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