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Thanks for requesting the Manifest NOW formula – it’s coming soon to your email!


Be sure to check all of your folders & mark it *NOT SPAM if needed so you can get all of the goodies coming your way


Now... if you’re ready to truly level up your manifesting mojo and create the future you’re dreaming of, you’ll love this...


Release The Deep-Rooted Fears & Doubts That Are HOLDING YOU BACK From Success

Discover the secret to manifesting faster & living out  your dream life NOW with my powerful
Guided Visualizations! 


You’re off to a great start with the Manifest NOW formula, & creating a mindset that supports and allows you to manifests your dreams...


BUT, Are you ready for the next step?


It’s one thing just to just want it or desire it — while this can move you towards your dream future, It's not enough! You need to clear out the blocks that are holding you back from reaching your desires so that you can become a powerful manifestor!


Stop struggling, and trying so hard without seeing results

Learn the secret sauce that powerful manifestors use daily

Know that you aren't held back by mindset blocks anymore

Finally let go of your old stories and negative emotions

Consistently raise your vibration to attract more and more

Most people think that in order to reach their goals they just need to think more positive, and say affirmations.....but that isn't enough! 

In order to really become a powerful manifestor, you have to clear the hidden doubts and fears that create troublesome BLOCKS to your desires


and I'm guessing that you’re not like most people 😉 


It took me years to study and understand the secret sacue to manifesting my Big dreams faster, but it wasn't until I learned the secret on how to really clear out the blocks that were holding me back, that my world changed — but you don’t have to wait years or try to figure it out on your own because I have done the work for you

Just know that if something isn’t serving you, you can learn how to EASILY release it and move forward quickly... so that you can become a magnet to your desires!


The Guided Visualization bundle!

you'll get... 

Raise Your Vibration Goal Accelerator

Pink Sky

uplevel  your manifestation!

Get ready to manifest faster, effortlessly, and with more joy. Your dream life is waiting for you, and I'm here to guide you to start the process.


This powerful formula will teach you how to mix emotion with your desires so you can manifest faster!! Normally $7.97 each, but right now, I wanted to offer these as a thank you for downloading the Manifest NOW formula

you can grab them BOTH today for only $7.97... saving 50%!  

By Purchasing these programs  you agree to our Terms of Use

love NOTES


So I have been doing the Magic 5 Morning Mindset but decided to step it up and invest in Kristi's 2 guided Visualizations, Raise your Vibration & Goal Accelerator and WOW!!  


Literally the next day I had someone reach out and join my team as a biz partner!!! It was so unexpected and such a blessing.


This stuff really works!!! I'm going to be doing it everyday


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Kristi Dear is truly an amazing woman with so much insight to offer. She was mentioning something on one of her podcasts about how we don’t manifest what we want if we are still in the asking phase all of the time.


She said to ask & then let it go & believe it will show up. 

I did that & the very next day I received a sale in 1 of my businesses! By my surrendering & letting go, I allowed more to come into my life & as a Doctor, I was able to help another woman change her health mentally & physically.


After following and diving into the mindset that Kristi teaches, doing the guided visualizations, and truly believing the affirmations, I manifested an extra $500 dollars in a week.


From unexpected pay checks, new clients, too having a refund for my car insurance! When you put your whole heart into it, these practices really work!


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Raise Your Vibration 

Clear away any doubts, fears, or worries with this guided visualization.


  You can become a vibrational match to your goals NOW! 

Goal Accelerator 

 This powerful guided visualization helps you to connect with your goals.


Feel into achieving each goal & step into that version of you! 


Create powerful manifestations… start clearing the doubt and fear that is keeping you stuck so that you CAN start living out a life filled with your deepest dreams and goals!
Each guided visualization is worth $27, and I normally offer them for $7.97 eachbut this is the only place you’ll see them both for only
$7.97 total!
If you’re ready to MANIFEST FASTER and EASIER with less EFFORT,
the Guided Visualization bundle is for you!

By Purchasing these programs  you agree to our Terms of Use


You can also join us in the free Facebook group... discover the power of group energy to empower & manifest your dreams.


𝕄𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕗𝕖𝕤𝕥 𝕀𝕥 - The Mindset Chick ™

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